Its not very impressive is it though?. In the article it makes it sound as if it is something really good but its not good enough, why should it not be 80-90%?. If claimants want to go back to work it makes it difficult if 73% will not even give you a chance in the first place.
Instead of the government attacking claimants shouldn't they be attacking the employers for not giving claimants a chance. Its a form of discrimination. All employers want though is someone who can start now and do the job so they are profitable to the business.
With the welfare reforms making life hell for genuine claimants. As a IB claimant myself I often feel like I am trapped. It feel like its either work or nothing or the being trapped in between.
brain blogger
With the welfare reforms making life hell for genuine claimants. As a IB claimant myself I often feel like I am trapped. It feel like its either work or nothing or the being trapped in between.
brain blogger