Thursday, 11 June 2009

Its Not Good Enough!

I read this article titled "Employers back return to work" which says in a survey over a quarter (27%) of employers say they would still give people on incapacity benefit, and older people, the opportunity to return to the workplace, despite the economic recession.

Its not very impressive is it though?. In the article it makes it sound as if it is something really good but its not good enough, why should it not be 80-90%?. If claimants want to go back to work it makes it difficult if 73% will not even give you a chance in the first place.

Instead of the government attacking claimants shouldn't they be attacking the employers for not giving claimants a chance. Its a form of discrimination. All employers want though is someone who can start now and do the job so they are profitable to the business.

With the welfare reforms making life hell for genuine claimants. As a IB claimant myself I often feel like I am trapped. It feel like its either work or nothing or the being trapped in between.

brain blogger

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

He Will Be Back

I read last week people rejoicing [i think thats the wrong word actually but it will do for the time being] the resignation of James Purnell, what I think though is at least when he resigned as Secretary of state for Work & Pensions he still has a job as an MP to fall back on and he still has a form of income unlike us lesser mortals.

I can't see James going down to the JobcentrePlus and signing up for some crap scheme and having to live off £60.50 a week. No doubt he has been the worst person to make benefit claimants lives hell but he will be back in some shape or form.

ta ta

brain blogger

Feeling A Bit Spaced Out

I have been taking the citalopram for nearly two weeks now and I have made some observations already, it has certainly taken the edge off of my anxiety but the problem is after I have been taking them in the morning is I feel spaced out and it lasts for a couple of hours. It is not as bad though as when I used to take amitriptyline when I used to feel like I was literally floating around. I also have tegretol for epilepsy and to balance my mood but it hasn't been working very well recently but this combination with the citalopram seems to work quite well. I did a google search and I found that people suggest taking it at night so I have been doing that instead.

I have also noticed I am sleeping a lot more during the daytime, came back from voluntary work, went shopping to Lidl, my Wife and my children dislike going to Lidl so they prefer going on a secret mission to Asda at the weekend. Unfortunately going round the five rows at Lidl is all I can manage as going to a large supermarket like Tesco I find exhausting, so Lidl it is. So got back from shopping and I thought I would have a lay down, woke up 5 hours later at midnight, Wife asleep next to me, next morning my Wife was not too impressed as I had left on her own all evening. I knew she was alright because she would always find one of the forensics programmes to watch. It bothers me sometimes that she likes watching all these programmes especially her personal favourite "Snapped, Women who Kill". I do wonder what the gritty bits in my cup of tea are sometimes, only kidding. The problem with head injury is if you feel tired it don't matter you can still be asleep 20 minutes later after having a coffee or a stimulant drink. Also with sleeping in the daytime it affects your sleep patterns so when every else is asleep you are wide awake again.

ta ta

brain blogger

Monday, 8 June 2009

DWP New Deal Scandal

I have just found this interesting new blog here about the 'New Deal' obviously written by someone with experience of the perils of being on it.